
Advent calendar 11

Have you seen that beautiful wallpaper? I fall in love inmediately. I am thinking about using it in my little hallway. Love that woods all over around. It is from Roddy and Ginger.
Ikusi al dezute horma papela? Oso gustoko diat.Sarreran jartzea pentsatu izan dut. Roddy and Gingerrena da.
Habeís visto el papel? Me enamoré inmediatamente. He estado pensando en usarlo en la entrada. Me gusta el efecto de millones de maderas. Es de Roddy and Ginger.

I know them since I bought in Etsy the green and grey one. It is ready for the new future some day reading corner.
Berde eta gris kojina erosi nuenetik ezagutzen ditut. Hor dago noizbait prestatuko dudan irakurtzeko lekurako.
Los conozco desde que compré el cojín verde y gris. Hay está preparado para el futuro, algún día lo conseguiré, rincón de lectura.

3 comentarios:

  1. It remember me the papers I saw when I was young... and the 70s. Beautiful :)

  2. The wallpaper! So beautiful! I've just been thinking about forests and trees and all kinds of symbols related to them, and then I came here just to see you've found the perfect wallpaper. :) What a coincidence!

  3. Chulísimo! El rincón de lectura llegará, ya verás! Besos


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