
Alternative old part

What one can do on weekend?
Zer egin daiteke astebukaeran?
¿Qué se puede hacer el fin de semana?

Visit the "Gaztetxe" for a concert, for example. It is an occupated house in the old part of the city. Anything like this over there?
Gastetxean kontzertua bat, adibidez?
Un concierto en el "Gaztetxe", por ejemplo. Una casa ocupada en la parte vieja de la ciudad. Algo así por ahí?

12 comentarios:

  1. No squatters here, although there are plenty of abandoned houses. I guess squatters like the city better:)!
    Go to the bookstore next weekend, you need new books for sure:)
    (personally, I didn't like the game of the angel, what do you think?)

  2. I have almost forgotten what it is to live in a city already and going to a concert sounds like an excellent idea! No "gaztetxes" up here in the north and nothing that resembles them either. And thank you for your always kind words on my blog :)

  3. I think there are a lot a places like this one in France... An other way for music and art ???

  4. mm not that I know, but it sounds great! How was the concert?

  5. hummm... I don't know if we have anything like this. Looks like a very creative place... have fun and enjoy :^)

  6. Yes, lots of places like this here. I tend to go a little 'photo-crazy' when I see one; there's so much history in a place like this.

  7. Qué bonito queda ese verde :)
    Por aquí me parece que no hay muchas casas ocupadas (puede ser que en la ciudad las haya), pero sí que hay bastante movimiento alternativo de todos los colores, y muchas veces tienen propuestas interesantes.
    Un millón de besos :)

  8. hello. it took me a little time to work out where you are blogging from. and living. funny you make the allusion to a matchbox? i seem to have just openend one! thank you.
    i know nothing about your country. sorry.
    will come back. :)

  9. En Hondarribi hay también un concierto en el bar Uxoa a las 23,00 h. de un grupo del que no tengo ni idea, Travellin' Brothers.

  10. Se me ha olvidado!! es el viernes! por si te animas...

  11. dear Ibb,

    enjoy your weekend, spend it generously :)

    ps. i have been absent for a while, too busy and right now too tired. In a month or so, this mess will be in a better condition. I hope we'll meet more often then.

  12. What a beautiful place to visit! I like old buildings which I can't see them very much here...


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